Subject Knowledge Enhancement Course Overview

Welcome to the REonline/TeachRE Subject Knowledge Enhancement Course portal. This portal will lead you to a website that will assist you in your need to improve your Subject Knowledge in the belief traditions of the UK. Within this website is the means to enhance the skills you have acquired whilst studying for your degree with the subject knowledge required to teach Religious Education.
Whether you are a graduate wanting to enhance your subject knowledge in the belief traditions of the UK, or a practising primary or secondary teacher or teacher assistant wanting to gain additional expertise, then we can help you.
The course cost is £195.Written by national experts in the field of RE, the course is an exciting and affordable non-credit addition to the provision of professional development.
On joining the course, your first task will be to take an audit of the main belief traditions in this country. Then you will be expected to complete a short task in the research of resources that are available online. Equipped with this, you will then complete two short diagnostic questions which will be assessed, and then linked to a tutor who will set you two major tasks based on your audit results and guide you in your work. It is likely that the first task will be a 2500 essay and the second a 25 page Powerpoint presentation. For those graduates and others who are classroom based already, the tasks may be adapted for pupil use.
Finally, upon completion of the course, you will be given a certificate which will meet the conditions set by teacher trainers.

Further details and a registration form are downloadable below.

Kathryn Wright - Lead Consultant CPD4RE

Registration Form.doc109.5 KB
Subject Knowledge Enhancement Course Info.doc100.5 KB