About TeachRE

The TeachRE project was funded by the Association of Church College Trusts and managed by the Culham Institute. The project was designed to encourage the recruitment and retention of RE teachers and after the successful implementation of several strategies came to a close in 2005. However the website continues to be maintained, and provides information for all who are interested in RE teaching as a career as well as being a portal to the very successful Subject Knowledge Booster Course. Drawing on resources from REonline which is another Culham Institute financed project, the subject knowledge Booster Course provides affordable CPD provision for graduates and teachers.The Association of Church College Trusts was formed in 1979, as a loosely-knit organisation of autonomous trusts. These Trusts were the legacy of twelve Anglican colleges of education which had been closed in cutbacks. In their different ways the Trusts still support and promote the work in education originally done by the colleges.To discover more about the trusts and the grants they manage please follow the link here http://www.culham.ac.uk/CS_stud/acct.html