STOP PRESS +++ New grant information for trainees
Training to teach Religious Education in 2013: The Association of Church College Trusts wishes to respond to the withdrawal of government bursaries for Religious Education (RE) by ensuring that candidates know how to apply for grants. For 2013-14, trainees in secondary RE could be eligible to apply for a grant towards course expenses or living expenses. Candidates can check for details of the trusts and foundations to which they can apply. Applications are welcome from any trainee regardless of religion or belief.
The Association of Church College Trusts was formed in 1979, as a loosely-knit organisation of autonomous Church of England Trusts. In their different ways the Trusts support and promote Religious Education and associated projects. While all the Trusts have an involvement with RE, each has a different emphasis, some have additional priorities and some focus on projects in their own geographical area. Any candidate seeking a grant should check each Trust's priorities and criteria carefully in order to have the best chance of applying successfully.