Initial Teacher Training Providers

We partner with a number of Higher Education Institutions and School Direct/SCITT providers to:

  • promote religious education teaching as an exciting and rewarding career through the Beyond the Ordinary campaign
  • support preparation for secondary teacher training through the TeachRE Subject Knowledge Enhancement Course (60 hour and DfE Funded 200-hour)
  • support primary teacher training and newly qualified teachers through our freely available self-study Teach:RE Primary – An Introduction course
  • support primary ITT providers through a freely available toolkit and resources
  • promote beginner teachers’ engagement with research

Promoting RE teaching

We have created a PowerPoint presentation that initial teacher training providers may want to use as part of their own recruitment campaign. You can download this here.

We have also created a Beyond the Ordinary flyer, which can be downloaded here

Preparing students for secondary initial teacher training

DfE Funded 200-hour Subject Knowledge Enhancement Course
This course is specifically for those students who have been granted funding by the Department for Education through their ITT Provider to undertake a SKE course before or during their ITT year beginning in September 2020. Please refer to our ITT provider pages about this course which can be found here. Please note this applies to those training in England only.

Teach:RE Subject Knowledge Enhancement 60-hour Course

Our TeachRE Subject Knowledge Enhancement Course 60-hour course prepares students by providing opportunities to develop subject knowledge for up to four religions/worldviews. This course may be recommended by ITT providers to students who do not require a full 200-hour subject knowledge enhancement course. As a provider of ITT we can offer you ‘bulk’ buy/reduced rate options for the course to help you in your recruitment efforts.

Individual Price: £150 per student
Bulk Buy Price for 5 or more places bought together by a provider: £125 per student

Please contact [email protected] for more information about this.

Supporting the beginner teacher in primary schools

The Teach:RE Primary – An Introduction course is designed to support those entering primary phase teaching. Three short activities help those undertaking initial teacher training or who are in their NQT year to explore the purpose of RE, where to find resources and how to teach RE effectively in the primary phase. The course is offered free and requires self-study. It is designed to complement the RE input beginner teachers receive as part of their teacher training.

Supporting Primary ITT tutors with plans and resources

Culham St. Gabriel Trust funded a project to investigate what could be creatively and successfully taught and learned in 12 hours’ provision for primary beginner teachers. The result of this project is a practical toolkit for ITT tutors. The toolkit is freely available for all to use and can be found here. If you do use the toolkit we would value your feedback, please email us at [email protected]

Supporting beginner teachers’ engagement with research

We have created a PowerPoint for ITT providers to use with beginner teachers to show them how to engage with the Culham St Gabriel’s Research for RE website ( The PowerPoint and accompanying notes explain how to register and use the website, as well as providing examples of how some teachers have used research to inform their practice.

The PowerPoint can be downloaded here

The accompanying notes can be downloaded here.


NEW: Supporting secondary beginner teachers and teacher educators (University of Exeter Resource)

Working With ‘Big Ideas About’ – a curriculum package and CPD (Continuous Professional Development) resource, intended for use by teacher educators, teachers and teacher trainees involved in the delivery and development of Religious Education (RE) in secondary schools. The aim of this handbook is to offer you a range of theoretical and practical resources for exploring – together with us – a multi-disciplinary/multi-methodological approach to the study of religion(s) and worldview(s), specifically designed to encourage students to think about the significance of different methods of inquiry in RE and to reflect on the role of different perspectives or ‘positionalities’ from which the study of religion(s) and worldview(s) can be approached.

The handbook builds upon the ‘RE-searchers’ approach to Religious Education, developed at the University of Exeter for use in primary schools (Freathy, G. et al. 2015; Freathy, R. et al. 2017) and the textbook Who Is Jesus? Supplementary Materials for Religious Education in the Upper Secondary School (Freathy et al. 2018), also developed at Exeter.

Download the handbook here